Thank you for your interest in membership at Word of Faith International Christian Centre.

Word of Faith International Christian Centre is a Spirit-led, Bible-believing ministry where our emphasis is to minister the Word in a manner that will allow you to apply biblical principles to your daily life. And in so doing, the perfect will of God will be manifested in you. We believe in teaching the uncompromised Word of God. Word of Faith is the right church for you!

How to Become a Member

Join our Word of Faith church family.

The primary way to become a member of Word of Faith is to respond to the altar call. At each of our Worship Services, an invitation is extended to anyone desiring membership during the altar call. By responding to the altar call, you alert us of your interest in membership. At which time, you will receive all information regarding membership.  You can also call the church at 416-449-5026 or email

The Membership Classes are designed to help you understand what we believe, what we teach and what we preach so that you can make an informed decision about becoming a member. Once you have completed all of your membership classes, you will have met all of the requirements for membership at Word of Faith.

Right Hand of Fellowship

This is a special time at Word of Faith.

In receiving the Right Hand of Fellowship, you are accepting Pastor Keith as your pastor.  As a card-carrying member of Word of Faith, you and your family are entitled to certain rights and privileges not available to general church attendees.

Word of Faith Toronto

Teaching The Word.
Doing The Work.
Touching The World.

Visit Us At

65 Sunrise Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4A 1A9


Sundays – 10:30am
Thursdays – 7:00pm


Phone: (416) 449 - 5026
Fax: (416) 449 - 4826